Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC intends to provide each client with a professional and ethical therapeutic experience. The following policies and procedures serve as a guide for both first-time and regular clients. Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC reserves the right to refuse service to those who fail to comply with any of the established policies and procedures.
A credit card is required to reserve all treatment session appointments.
A $25 non-refundable deposit is required to book a treatment session. The fee will be deducted from the final cost at the time of service.
Any allergies or sensitivities to aromas or ingredients must be reported prior to the appointment.
In the interest of safety, treatment sessions must take place on the ground floor at the client's location. If this is not possible (i.e., an apartment not located on the ground floor) and there is no access to a working elevator, the practitioner must be notified at least 24-hours in advance of the treatment session. The practitioner then reserves the right to cancel the session & refund the $25 booking deposit. Failure to notify the practitioner 24-hours ahead of time will result in both cancellation of the treatment session and forfeiture of the $25 booking deposit.
Payment-in-full, minus any deposits, is due immediately upon conclusion of the treatment session. No exceptions.
Failure to promptly remit payment will incur a $65 penalty fee in addition to the cost of services rendered.
Further refusal to submit payment-in-full and other incurred costs (i.e., penalty fee) will result in actions taken by Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC and/or a third-party (i.e., attorney, debt collection agency) to collect the outstanding debt.
All first-time clients will automatically receive 10% off their very first treatment session.
First-time client discounts cannot be combined with other offers.
Client locations beyond a 7-mile radius of the business' physical address will be assessed a mobile surcharge to be collected at the time of service.
Client is responsible for additional fees incurred as a result to travel to their location including, but not limited to parking fees. These will collected at the time of service.
Surcharges for special, sport, or chair massage events will be specially assessed on a case-by-case basis.
All clients will be contacted via text or email 24-48 hours prior to their upcoming treatment session.
24-hrs notice is required to cancel or reschedule a treatment session.
Cancellations with less than 24-hrs notice will result in forfeiture of the $25 booking deposit.
Clients who miss their appointments without giving any prior notice will be charged in-full for the scheduled service.
In the event that the practitioner needs to cancel or reschedule the treatment session, the client will be contacted 24-hrs in advance (unless there is an immediate emergency) and any payments will either be refunded in their original form or credited to their account for future use.
Clients who are not at the specified location at the time of service and without giving any prior notification will be charged in-full for their booked session(s).
Practitioner will arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment time. This allows for treatment session set-up, time to fill-out/update the appropriate forms, and restroom use.
An intake procedure will occur just prior to the onset of each treatment session. The client will inform the practitioner of any changes in their health status/needs and the practitioner will perform applicable orthopedic assessments. A plan of care for the session will be discussed and agreed-upon by the the client and the practitioner
The treatment session time begins once the client is on the table or starts their corrective exercise workout.
If the practitioner is late due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e., traffic, car accident, etc…), they will contact the client by phone. No time will be deducted from the scheduled treatment session.
Late starts due to no fault of the practitioner (i.e., client is not available at the specified time of arrival or at the agreed-upon location, client is on the phone, etc…) will not receive a time extension and the original treatment session total will be charged.
Interruptions of the treatment session (i.e., attending to children or pets, telephone calls/texts, restroom breaks that are not pregnancy-related/medically necessary) will not suspend the client's treatment time.
Treatment plans will be discussed during the intake process at the beginning of each session.
A treatment consent form will be signed prior to the first session and annually thereafter. This form confirms that the client has read and understands the information and agrees to comply with all MTM, LLC policies and procedures.
An additional waiver must be signed if the client elects to have their treatment session conducted in an outdoor setting.
A separate treatment consent form is required for all clients receiving Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD).
Effective July 1, 2024, Florida HB197 requires valid government photo identification (e.g., driver's license, passport, LMT credentials) on-file for all massage practitioners and clients.
It is the responsibility of the client to keep the practitioner informed of any medical treatment currently being taken, and to provide written permission from the physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc… that the treatment may be continued.
The client must also keep the practitioner apprised of any changes in health conditions.
It is imperative that clients refrain from receiving treatment when experiencing illness (i.e., cold, cough, flu, fever, stomach virus, fungal infection, contagious skin rash, etc…). If a client is found to be experiencing symptoms of any illness that contraindicates treatment via massage therapy, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), and/or corrective exercise, the session will be immediately suspended and rescheduled for a time when the client is safely able to receive treatment.
For clients undergoing chemo and radiation therapies: A doctor’s note stating that the doctor is aware of and agrees to the desired treatment is required.
Elective massage therapy outdoor treatment sessions may only take place during the months of October through March and may start NO LATER THAN 12:00 p.m.
Elective corrective exercise outdoor treatment sessions may take place outdoors all year-round; however, during the months of April through September, they may start NO LATER THAN 12:00 p.m.
If a client elects to have their massage or corrective exercise treatment session conducted in an outdoor setting, they will be informed in writing of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. An additional waiver must be signed.
The practitioner reserves the right relocate the massage or corrective exercise session to the nearest, climate-controlled indoor location if he/she feels that the weather conditions are unsafe. This includes, but is not limited to, prolonged exposure to excessive heat and/or sunshine without access to shade/a potable water source/a fan, high humidity, rain, thunder, lightning, hail, high winds, tornadoes, earthquakes, flash floods.
The practitioner may terminate an outdoor massage or corrective exercise treatment session early in the event that the client displays signs of heat-related illness.
Outdoor Sport Massage Event Support will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) treatment sessions will not be provided outdoors under any circumstances.
If the client is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must be present to sit in on the entire treatment session.
All Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC therapists are licensed by the State of Florida and held to the highest standards of both the Florida Board of Massage Therapy and the American Massage Therapy Association.
Massage therapy is a profession in which the practitioner applies manual techniques, and may apply adjunctive therapies, with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the client.
All Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC Corrective Exercise Specialists have undergone rigorous academic preparation and comprehensive examination via the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) to ensure creation and execution of safe treatment protocols.
Licensed massage therapists and certified Corrective Exercise Specialists do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. The practitioner may refer the client to a medical doctor for diagnosis or treatment. Their services are not intended as an alternative for proper medical attention for specific conditions. Please refer to a medical doctor for any specific condition that requires medical treatment.
The practitioner will, within reason, adjust pressure, temperature, musical volume, work longer on a specific body region (within the scheduled treatment time slot), or omit treatment of specific body regions at the client’s request.
The client may choose to leave on as much clothing as needed for comfort, refuse any massage methods, or stop the massage at any time.
The client will always be modestly draped with a full sheet. Only the area being massaged will be undraped. The client will be kept informed of the areas to be massaged. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO TOWEL DRAPING.​
To minimize the risk of infection and enhance overall health, it is important to practice basic hygiene:
Clients should bathe and put on clean clothing just prior to their scheduled treatment session.
Clients are strongly urged to use the restroom and wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before proceeding to the treatment table.
Disproportionate amounts of body hair oftentimes make receiving massage a painful experience. In order to avoid discomfort, the client is advised to make sure that all excessive body hair is shaved or trimmed as short as possible.
The practitioner will listen to the client’s conversation and share professional expertise as it pertains to massage therapy, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), or corrective exercise. They will not discuss topics of a political, private, or sexual nature.
Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC strives to create a safe, welcoming, and equitable environment for all clients, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or physical ability. Hate speech or discriminatory acts of any kind will result in immediate termination of the treatment session. All treatment fees will still be required to be paid-in-full. The client will not be permitted to book future treatments.
Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Suggestive comments, sexual innuendo, touching of a practitioner in an inappropriate way or any other attempts to either intimidate the practitioner or sexualize the treatment session will result in immediate termination of the treatment session by the practitioner and possible law enforcement involvement. All treatment fees will still be required to be paid-in-full. The client will not be permitted to book future treatments.
Request for sexual activity will be viewed as solicitation and reported to the proper authorities. The client will not be permitted to book further treatments.
The breast and genital area will not be massaged under any circumstances.
The hip and gluteal areas will be massaged only with client permission and can be worked through the draping if requested.
All client visits and conditions are treated as confidential and will not be discussed with anyone outside of the treatment session.
All client records are kept in the strictest confidence in a secure place. These records will not be released to third parties, including healthcare providers and insurance companies, without the client’s written consent.
Records may be surrendered if required by law.
All MLD clients must follow the Policies & Procedures set forth by Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC.
A separate intake form is required for all Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) clients.
All post-surgical clients must disclose the following prior to the onset of treatment:​
Date of procedure(s)
Type of procedure(s) performed
Geographical location of surgical center where procedure(s) occurred
Surgeon contact information
Date of follow-up appointment with surgeon
Post-surgical care instructions required by surgeon
Personal goals and expectations for treatment results
The therapists employed by Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC DO NOT perform incisional drainage.
The therapists employed by Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC DO NOT remove surgical drains.
Treatment will be discontinued for clients displaying signs of systemic infection (fever, chills, increased pain/swelling, a pus-like drainage at incision sites, red streaks moving away from incision sites, etc…) and may resume once the infection has been successfully eradicated AND with the permission of their healthcare provider.
Myogenesis Therapeutic Massage, LLC reserves the right to refuse service for treatment of all surgical procedures performed outside of the continental United States.
Clients seeking MLD for underlying health conditions or injuries should have written permission from their treating physician.
Unused MLD package sessions are non-refundable and non-transferrable.